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A Guide On How To Purchase An Electric Wheelchair

Wheelchairs are essential equipment for people with disabilities and medical conditions that limit their movement. These wheelchairs are propelled by an electric motor which eliminates the need for manual power. As a result, the users can enjoy independence and convenience since they can move around without the assistance of their friends and family. If you wish to purchase an electric wheelchair, below is an excerpt with some essential pointers on the considerations to make when buying the equipment. 

Size Of The Wheelchair

The underlying principle of buying a wheelchair is that it should be comfortable to use. As such, you should start by deciding on an appropriate wheelchair size. Many dealers will allow you to test the various wheelchairs. However, you could ask your doctor for a proper size if you intend to purchase the wheelchair online. 

Weight Limits And Weight Of The Wheelchair

Assess the weight limits of the wheelchair. As a rule of thumb, the wheelchair should accommodate a higher weight limit than your current weight. Therefore, if you are 60 kilograms, you would want an 80kg wheelchair. It ensures you have an easy time operating the chair if your weight increases. Additionally, it prevents you from overworking the motor. Check the weight of the wheelchair if you will need to lift it regularly. Some wheelchairs are foldable to ensure you have an easy time loading them into your car. 

Battery Range 

How long does the wheelchair's battery last? Large batteries would be ideal if you would want to use the wheelchair for long periods. Although these wheelchairs could be a bit expensive, you will enjoy the convenience of not having to recharge the battery every few hours. It would also be wise to check the longevity of the battery. Customer reviews and manufacturer warranties are a sure way to determine how long the battery will last. 

New Or Used Wheelchair

Most new wheelchairs are in excellent condition since they have not been previously used. However, it would be wise to conduct some due diligence to establish the durability of the equipment. Additionally, assess the problems that the wheelchair could develop and whether you can find replacement parts and mechanics to repair the wheelchair. 

When buying a used wheelchair, you would be interested in its condition. Check its battery range, the structural integrity of the frame, the functionality of the electric system and the condition of the wheels. Besides, ask the seller for its maintenance records and a guarantee. 

When purchasing an electric wheelchair, determine the appropriate size, weight limit and weight. Additionally, check the battery range of the wheelchair and decide whether you will go for a new or used wheelchair. 

For more tips, contact a company like Gilani Engineering.